Devotional series:
The Holy week in lockdown

We have prepared a brief devotional for each day from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, following the Gospel of John from chapter 12 to chapter 20. Each devotional connects an element of what Jesus said or did to the current crisis and includes a few questions for you to reflect on or discuss with friends or family. Each day also offers a brief look at what is happening in different parts of the world as believers and churches respond to the pandemic in various ways. We will also be posting short videos on our Facebook page ( that will be a great way for you to start the devotional.

Believe in the Light!

Palm Sunday
John 12:1-50
In the midst of the darkness of the pandemic today, we are called to be a light bringing hope, comfort and peace to the lives of many.

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Love One Another!

John 13:1-38
When Jesus used the words, “as I have loved you,” he reminded the disciples that they had received love first, and that with this love they should love others.

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Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled! Remain in My Love!

John 14 - 15
Even though Jesus knows that he—and not the disciples—will soon face the suffering of the cross, he is the one comforting his disciples in these chapters, telling them, “Do not let your hearts be troubled.”

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Let Them Be One!

John 16 - 17
This was the last prayer that Jesus would share with his disciples before his arrest, so he emphasized his greatest concerns regarding the time when he would no longer be with them physically. In verses 20–24, he emphasizes the importance of the unity of believers

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My Kingdom Is Not of This World!

John 18
Driven by jealousy, hatred and greed, these people wanted to silence him once and for all. Jesus, however, was not shaken in the face of this injustice; his faith and trust in God were unmoved. He knew and testified that his Kingdom is not of this world.

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It Is Finished!

John 19
Jesus was flogged, ridiculed, beaten and ultimately crucified. He who was without sin was treated like the worst sinner and died through the most painful punishment that humans ever invented. But what were Jesus’ final words? “It is finished”.

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You Will Grieve, But Your Grief Will Turn to Joy!

John 16:22
The Saturday between Jesus’ death and resurrection is not mentioned in the Bible, but much must have gone through the minds of the disciples. They had just seen Jesus suffer the most painful death possible. They had been filled with hope for the heavenly Kingdom. But now, so suddenly, he was dead.

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As the Father Has Sent Me, I Am Sending You!

Easter Sunday
John 20
The Greek word euangelion (in English: Gospel or Good News) was used for the news of victory in a war. Jesus Christ did not accomplish a worldly victory, but a spiritual victory over sin and evil. The news is a message of reconciliation with God and forgiveness of sins for those who accept him into their lives.

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