Responding to covid-19
with faith, hope and love
"In this world you will have trouble.
But take heart! I have overcome the world."
- John 16:33 -
Hope in Crisis

WEA Pastors Emergency Fund – Stories of Impact from India
Since the WEA launched the “Pastors Emergency Fund” campaign in late May, there has been an outpouring of prayers and donations from around the world for the pastors who have been especially heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Along with our sincere gratitude to all who offered prayers and financial support, here are some stories

Alliances in Action: Spanish Evangelical Alliance
In a time of great sorrow, The Spanish Evangelical Alliance delivered meaningful assistance to those in mourning and shared a message of hope to their community.

Alliances in Action: South Pacific Region
The Evangelical Alliances in the South Pacific show a great example that our first response to Covid-19 should be prayer.

Alliances in Action: Central Asia
WEA Secretary General Bishop Efraim Tendero shares how brothers and sisters in Central Asia have excelled, in grace and sensitivity, in this time of crisis that led to the expansion of the Kingdom of God.SHOW MORE

Alliances in Action: Grenada and Trinidad & Tobago Alliances
WEA Secretary General Bishop Efraim Tendero shares how National Leaders in Grenada and Trinidad and Tobago turn to God and Evangelical Leaders to help in responding to Covid-19.

Alliances in Action: Evangelical Fellowship of Thailand
WEA Secretary General Bishop Efraim Tendero shares how the Evangelical Believers in Thailand showed God’s love both in word and deed in this time of pandemic.