How are people affected personally?
COVID-19 has affected people all around the world directly and indirectly. Understanding their experience will help inform your prayer and might also inspire you to take action in your own neighborhood.

Pastors of Smaller Congregations
Pastors of smaller congregations depend on the offerings they receive during the weekly Sunday worship service. With many countries restricting gatherings, these worship services had to be canceled for several weeks, so the pastor is lacking financial support for his daily needs.
Please pray for the pandemic to pass soon and for the congregations to find ways to support their pastors in this time of need.
Please pray for God's provision for the many families who will struggle financially for weeks and months to come. May they experience His faithfulness in providing for their daily needs.
Hourly Wage Workers
The pandemic and the resulting government restrictions have already had a major impact on the economy and especially those who work in the service sector and other hourly-wage jobs. As businesses have to suspend operations, workers lose their income and sometimes also their jobs.

Isolated Elderly
One demographic that is especially affected is the elderly, especially if they do not have relatives who can care for them. The mandatory self-isolation can add emotional stress, and at times the inability to go to the market to buy food offers an opportunity for the church to step in.
Please pray for God to be close to those who are isolated and alone, that they may find comfort in Him. And pray that churches can recruit volunteers to provide for those in need and engage in conversation with the lonely.
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