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The WEA represents over 600 million evangelicals in 135 nations and works with regional and national Alliances to bring hope and aid to churches around the world. Now more than ever, the body of Christ will stand together as one and keep our eyes on Jesus Christ.
WEA recently launched the Global Task Force on COVID-19 to help lead the effort in containing the spread of the coronavirus with our regional and national alliances worldwide. It will roll out a three-part strategy.
Step 1
Global Campaign
to provide the global Evangelical Community with the tools and training they need to help people in their regions.
Step 2
Local Support
to assist church communities around the world to work as trusted agents with their local healthcare facilities to help people follow healthcare protocols.
Step 3
Targeted Approach
identify, target and provide immediate aid to high-risk communities that often have highly dense populations, lack of clean water, or cultural or healthcare practices.